
Module Contents



A Learner object that enables learning for individuals in an evolutionary process.



class Learner

Bases: abc.ABC

Inheritance diagram of experimentation.evolution.abstract_elements._learner.Learner

A Learner object that enables learning for individuals in an evolutionary process.

The learner is dependent on its reward function, which is: a measure that drives learning. Depending on the learning method used, the reward can simply equal task performance.

Task performance on the other hand is a measure that reflects how well a task is performed. In a robot system with multiple tasks, there are multiple definitions of task performance. Task performance can be used to define fitness and/or reward functions.

For more information wait for Prof. Dr. A.E. Eiben`s book on evolutionary robotics, or ask him directly.

abstract learn(population: TPopulation) TPopulation

Make Individuals from a population learn.


population – The population.


The learned population.