
Module Contents



A scene of modular robots in a terrain.

class ModularRobotScene

A scene of modular robots in a terrain.

terrain: modular_robot_simulation._terrain.Terrain

The terrain of the scene.

add_robot(robot: revolve2.modular_robot.ModularRobot, pose: revolve2.simulation.scene.Pose = Pose(), translate_z_aabb: bool = True) None

Add a robot to the scene.

  • robot – The robot to add.

  • pose – The pose of the robot.

  • translate_z_aabb – Whether the robot should be translated upwards so it’s T-pose axis-aligned bounding box is exactly on the ground. I.e. if the robot should be placed exactly on the ground. The pose parameters is still added afterwards.

add_interactive_object(objt: revolve2.simulation.scene.MultiBodySystem) None

Add an intractable object to the scene.


objt – The object as a multi body system.

to_simulation_scene() tuple[revolve2.simulation.scene.Scene, dict[revolve2.simulation.scene.UUIDKey[revolve2.modular_robot.ModularRobot], revolve2.simulation.scene.MultiBodySystem]]

Convert this to a simulation scene.


The created scene.