Module Contents
An interface for reading a certain state of a modular robot simulation. |
- class SceneSimulationState(simulation_state: revolve2.simulation.scene.SimulationState, modular_robot_to_multi_body_system_mapping: dict[revolve2.simulation.scene.UUIDKey[revolve2.modular_robot.ModularRobot], revolve2.simulation.scene.MultiBodySystem])
An interface for reading a certain state of a modular robot simulation.
- get_modular_robot_simulation_state(modular_robot: revolve2.modular_robot.ModularRobot) modular_robot_simulation._modular_robot_simulation_state.ModularRobotSimulationState
Get the simulation state for one of the modular robots in the scene.
- Parameters:
modular_robot – The modular robot to get the state for.
- Returns:
The retrieved state.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the robot is not in the scene.