Module Contents
Simulate a scene. |
- simulate_scene(scene_id: int, scene: revolve2.simulation.scene.Scene, headless: bool, record_settings: revolve2.simulation.simulator.RecordSettings | None, start_paused: bool, control_step: float, sample_step: float | None, simulation_time: int | None, simulation_timestep: float, cast_shadows: bool, fast_sim: bool, viewer_type: mujoco_simulator.viewers.ViewerType, render_backend: mujoco_simulator._render_backend.RenderBackend = RenderBackend.EGL) list[revolve2.simulation.scene.SimulationState]
Simulate a scene.
- Parameters:
scene_id – An id for this scene, unique between all scenes ran in parallel.
scene – The scene to simulate.
headless – If False, a viewer will be opened that allows a user to manually view and manually interact with the simulation.
record_settings – If not None, recording will be done according to these settings.
start_paused – If true, the simulation will start in a paused state. Only makessense when headless is False.
control_step – The time between each call to the handle function of the scene handler. In seconds.
sample_step – The time between each state sample of the simulation. In seconds.
simulation_time – How long to simulate for. In seconds.
simulation_timestep – The duration to integrate over during each step of the simulation. In seconds.
cast_shadows – If shadows are cast.
fast_sim – If fancy rendering is disabled.
viewer_type – The type of viewer used for the rendering in a window.
render_backend – The backend to be used for rendering (EGL by default and switches to GLFW if no cameras are on the robot).
- Returns:
The results of simulation. The number of returned states depends on sample_step.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the viewer is not able to record.