
Standard resources for textures in simulation.

Package Contents



Enumerate different map types for textures.


An abstract texture for geometric models.


Reference texture information for the simulators.

class MapType(*args, **kwds)

Bases: enum.Enum

Inheritance diagram of simulation.scene.geometry.textures.MapType

Enumerate different map types for textures.

  • “MAP2D”: Maps the texture to a 2d surface.

  • “CUBE”: Wraps the texture around a cube object.

  • “SKYBOX”: Like “cube” but maps onto the inside of an object.

MAP2D = '2d'
CUBE = 'cube'
SKYBOX = 'skybox'
class Texture

An abstract texture for geometric models.

reference: simulation.scene.geometry.textures._texture_reference.TextureReference | None

Reference the specific type of texture. If no reference is given, the base_color will be used on the Object.

base_color: simulation.scene._color.Color

Determines the base color of a material and its alpha value.

primary_color: simulation.scene._color.Color

Determines the primary color of the texture.

secondary_color: simulation.scene._color.Color

facilitates more complex textures that use two colors.

map_type: simulation.scene.geometry.textures._map_type.MapType

Represents how the texture is mapped to an object.

repeat: tuple[int, int]

Allows you to set how often a texture should be repeated across the x and y axis (Only for 2d maps).

size: tuple[int, int]

Allows to set the size of a texture. The higher the size, the higher the resolution

specular: float

Specular ranges between [0, 1].

shininess: float

Shininess ranges between [0, 1].

reflectance: float

Reflectance ranges between [0, 1].

emission: float

Allows Objects to emit light [0, inf).

class TextureReference

Bases: abc.ABC

Inheritance diagram of simulation.scene.geometry.textures.TextureReference

Reference texture information for the simulators.

builtin: str | None

Allows to reference builtin textures of the targeted simulator.

file: str | None

The source file of the specified texture, if custom.

content_type: str | None

The type of the source file. The supported types depend on the simulator used. Please check the simulators documentation for supported filetypes.

gridlayout: str | None

Specify the layout of the texture to be mapped onto an object. This depends on the simulator used. Please check the simulators documentation for supported grid layouts.

__post_init__() None

Check for potential conflicts due to missing arguments.


NotImplementedError – If not sufficient arguments are given.