
Module Contents



A hinge joint, also known as revolute joint.

class JointHinge

Bases: simulation.scene._joint.Joint

Inheritance diagram of simulation.scene._joint_hinge.JointHinge

A hinge joint, also known as revolute joint.

Rotates around a single axis.

axis: pyrr.Vector3

Directional vector the joint rotates about.

range: float

Rotation range of the joint in radians.

How much it can rotate to each side, in radians. So double this is the complete range of motion.

effort: float

Maximum effort the joint can exert, in newton-meter.

velocity: float

Maximum velocity of the joint, in radian per second.

armature: float

Armature of the joint.

This represents the inertia of the motor itself when nothing is attached.

pid_gain_p: float

Proportional gain of the pid position controller.

pid_gain_d: float

Derivative gain of the pid position controller.