Module Contents
The state of modular robot's sensors. |
- class ModularRobotSensorState
The state of modular robot’s sensors.
- abstract get_active_hinge_sensor_state(sensor: modular_robot.body.sensors.ActiveHingeSensor) modular_robot.sensor_state._active_hinge_sensor_state.ActiveHingeSensorState
Get the state of the provided active hinge sensor.
- Parameters:
sensor – The sensor.
- Returns:
The state.
- abstract get_imu_sensor_state(sensor: modular_robot.body.sensors.IMUSensor) modular_robot.sensor_state._imu_sensor_state.IMUSensorState
Get the state of the provided IMU sensor.
- Parameters:
sensor – The sensor.
- Returns:
The state.
- abstract get_camera_sensor_state(sensor: modular_robot.body.sensors.CameraSensor) modular_robot.sensor_state._camera_sensor_state.CameraSensorState
Get the state of the provided camera sensor.
- Parameters:
sensor – The sensor.
- Returns:
The state.